HD Gene-Edited Porcine Model: Huntington’s Disease (HD) Model

Model Overview

Huntington's disease is an autosomal dominant inherited neurodegenerative disorder affecting the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex. It is a rare and fatal progressive neurodegenerative disease, with most patients exhibiting a progressive course of the disease due to dysfunction of the brain's neural functions.

Mice have been widely used to study the mechanism of Huntington's disease and search for clinical treatments, but many therapeutic drugs that are effective in mouse models are not clinically effective in patients.

HD is caused by a single gene mutation that results in an expansion of CAG repeats on exon 1 of the HTT gene, a protein with multiple roles that is uniquely and highly expressed in the nervous system, and is characterized by a preferential loss of midspine neurons in the striatum. This is an ideal disease model, which is the basis for the study of polygenic mutations. Using CRISPR/Cas9 and somatic cell nuclear transfer technology, the HD gene knock-in pig model was constructed.

Pig Breed: The original breed of the pig is Rongshui pig, and its offspring are hybrids with Bama pigs.

Clinical Phenotype

The CAG repeat expansion and phenotype of HD knock-in (KI) pigs are germline transmissible

HD KI pigs have abnormal walking patterns, with an asymmetrical gait and a shortened distance between the forelimbs and hindlimbs

HD KI pigs have difficulty breathing or irregular breathing patterns and abnormal movements

  • HD KI pigs had reduced brain volume, reduced cortical thickness, enlarged lateral ventricles, and shrunken striatum.

  • Mutated huntingtin protein causes selective neurodegeneration in specific brain regions, with only medium spiny neurons degenerating in the striatum.

  • HD KI pig brains have reduced axonal myelination, contain degenerated organelles, and exhibit severe neurodegeneration similar to HD patient brains.

Significance of Model

  1. 1.The knock-in (KI) porcine model of Huntington's disease more realistically reproduces the neurodegeneration seen in HD patients.

  2. 2.We demonstrate for the first time that the pronounced and selective neurodegeneration observed in HD patients can be recapitulated by endogenously expressing a mutant protein in a large mammal.

  3. 3.Rodent models provide valuable tools for studying the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, while porcine models are important tools for validating basic discoveries and therapeutic targets.

  4. 4.The HDKI porcine model shows obvious neurodegeneration and can serve as an ideal model for treatment trials of stem cell therapy to replace degenerated neurons in neurodegenerative diseases.

  5. 5.Evidence of lesions in the HD KI porcine model provides a basis for establishing animal models to mimic selective neurodegeneration in other key neurodegenerative diseases such as AD and PD and effective therapeutic strategies.


  • 2018 May 3;173(4):989-1002.e13. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.03.005. Epub 2018 Mar 29.
    A Huntingtin Knockin Pig Model Recapitulates Features of Selective Neurodegeneration in Huntington's Disease