Canine Brain Stereotaxy and Behavioral Evaluation

Model Development

Brainsight canine brain stereotaxic injection device is able to perform precise injections in different brain areas, including, and not limited to the hippocampus, frontal cortex, striatum, and globus pallidus areas.

Experimental Animal Selection

Precise expression of proteins in different brain regions controls brain development and function. Dogs and humans are highly conserved in protein expression patterns and highly similar in genetic sequences, hence are considered ideal research models for neuropsychiatric diseases.

Angiography (left): Angiography is performed on the dog before surgery, and the vascular area is avoided during injection

Brain stereotaxic injection (right): Using a brain stereotaxic instrument, proteins are injected into different brain areas of dogs.

Experimental Facilities and Equipment

  • Behavioral evaluation laboratory such as large animal treadmill

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