Pulmonary Fibrosis Model

  • Model

  • Mode of administration

  • Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis model in mice

  • Tail vein injection

  • Paraquat-induced pulmonary fibrosis model in mice

  • Intraperitoneal injection

  • Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis model in rats

  • Tracheal Spray

  • Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis model in large white pigs

  • Pulmonary injection

  • Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis model in monkeys

  • Pulmonary injection

Experimental Animal Selection

Rats are the most commonly used animal model for pulmonary fibrosis, but because they are too small to be suitable for radiographic research, it is necessary to dissect and remove the lungs for histopathological examination to determine whether the model is successful.

Because larger mammals such as pigs and monkeys are large in size, their heart and lung tissue structures are similar to those of humans. The animal modeling situation can be dynamically observed under non-invasive conditions through imaging methods, but the operations are more complex and requires professional personnel and appropriate facility conditions.

  • Before induction

    After induction

    Experiment on pulmonary fibrosis model induced by bleomycin in large white pigs. CT results 14 days after induction showed obvious symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis in the pig's lungs.

  • experimental materials

    partial pathological H&E staining

    The gross observation results of the anatomy at the end of the experiment showed that obvious fibrotic lesions appeared in the lungs of the pigs in the model group. HE staining of the lung tissue showed obvious fibrotic in the lungs of the pigs in the model group.

Experimental Facilities & Equipment

  • Digital electronic vernier caliper, Centrifuge, 64-slice CT, bronchoscope, pulmonary airway monitoring (SLAM) system

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